How to protect your metadata privacy

Andrew Wilkie MP condemns new metadata retention laws

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On Thursday, 26 March 2015, the vast majority of members of the Australian Parliament sold out Australians and voted away our previously hard won freedoms and privacy by passing new metadata retention laws.

Very few parliamentarians bothered to protect the public interest with every other member giving in to unrealistic claims of protecting our security from terrorists, peadophiles and other major criminals.  In truth, these dangerous criminals already know how to avoid these laws by using a suite of tools such as secure messaging apps, Tor, I2P and VPNs.  This leaves these laws to target dumb criminals and every other Australian is now subject to mass surveillance.

See below Andrew Wilkie’s MP condemnation of the new mandatory data retention laws in the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015.

Protect your privacy now by using secure messaging apps and a VPN.

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